Sunday, June 17, 2012

Doubt and the prayer of faith

So I had my bone and CT scans done on Friday 5/25.  I thought it was going to be a pet scan but it wasn't.  And honestly I had already convinced myself that something bad was going to show up.  I was busy believing my physical symptoms.  I had been busy on the Internet reading about metastasis and such and had convinced myself that cancer had invaded my bones.  Praise God that I have a husband that was busy standing on Faith.  He very gently told me he didn't want to hear me professing such things out of my mouth! (James 3:6) That morning he pulled me in the bathroom and laid his hands on me.  And prayed the prayer of faith over me, thanking God for clean body scans.  I was still doubting, but see God only needs one to believe and my amazing husband interceded for me.  After being grumpy and not eating I felt a little better after getting some food in me with my mom at ihop.  I was told we would not get results back until at least Tuesday since Monday was Memorial Day.  But praise God we got a call that afternoon letting us know that my scans came back all clean!!!  Praise God!

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